About Us

About Us

Whether you’re looking to up-skill, change career, or supplement your current role, we have a course for you! Industry leading, professional RPAS/drone training, right here in Perth, WA. Interspacial Aviation Services is a Western Australian based CASA certified RePL training organisation. Established in 2012, we were the first in WA (ReOC.0075) to offer enterprise focussed remote pilot license training, assessment and certification.

Get trained by experienced operators, who are actually working in the drone industry, across mining, oil and gas, utilities as well as film and TV.

We will get you industry ready through unparalleled practical training and support.

About Us tab min About IAS 7


FAQ About IAS 9


It is a Pilot Licence to fly drones for commercial operation. It effect, it is a commercial drone licence; called a Remotely Piloted Aircraft Licence (RePL).

Imagine a commercial aeroplane pilot who wants to go and do joy flights with paying passengers. He can do that, but only if he operates under a Charter Organisation, or a Flying School: they have all the CASA manuals etc, and the approvals.

RPA (UAV) Operator Certificate is such an organization (now known as a Remotely Piloted Aircraft Operator Certificate (ReOC).

So, you as a Remote Pilot, can operate under someone else?s ReOC, like ours; or you can become your own ReOC. CASA will send you all the templates and forms for the ReOC, will take up to 8 weeks for processing and will charge you around $1,440 for a simple ReOC.

We are a Western Australian based company, based in Perth, WA & training from Jandakot Airport. We take pride in providing on-going local support to our WA pilots. We also offer the ability for our RePL trained pilots to operate under our UOC (ReOC) while applying for their own.

Yes, this is coming; but there are conditions; restrictions on flying in many areas; and public liability insurance will not be available; and many clients will not use a pilot without a licence.

If one really wants to go this way, CASA is recommending that these pilots obtain some training from a school like ours. We have a specific course for this category.

There is a reasonable amount of theory; pretty much the equivalent of the Private Pilot Licence theory course. That is why we take 5 days for theory and practical (with an extra day only as required).
The learning process is not hard. While the pass mark is 80%, we have never had anyone fail the exam. This is a positive factor of doing the course in class, over a 5 day period.

No. you can come to us without any experience whatsoever. This is one of the differences between us and our competitors.

It also means that you do a lot of flying with us; learning all the procedures to do with safety and practical commercial operations in the field.

No. We provide all the drones; from the early Phantom 2 right up to the Phantom 3, to the Phantom 4, to the DJI Inspire.

Many come to us without owning a drone and get valuable information at the course for the type of drone they will eventually need to use.

No, we choose not to compete with the RePL pilots that do our training courses. Training is our core business and we stick to it. It also means we can give our students on-going support in their new careers without a conflict of interest.

Yes you can but only our aircraft can be used for the training.

